Our Mother

The Peoples Bees
2 min readApr 22, 2021
Photo by Cassie Constanzo of Mugshot Photo Booth.

Happy Earth Day people! This is a day to observe life, which is all around us if we pause and look closely. It’s in the water running from our faucets; the lichens sprawling over rocks; the microbiome beneath our feet; the leaves that break the sunlight overhead; the sleep in our eyes every morning. And we agree: every day should be Earth Day, but because we are conditioned to speed walk through life, Earth Day can serve as a reminder to downshift and wonder where we are, who we are, what we are, why we are.

Be curious today. Research the indigenous people that lived here before you. Bring your children to a community garden. Lean on a tree and study its bark. Meditate in the sunlight and push your bare toes into the ground. Pick up the trash you see while walking the dog. Savor a carrot and narrate the life it lived to provide for you. Turn off your screens and open your windows. Shop using that promo code, but consider how the goods were sourced and how the packaging will live on when you’re finished with it. This may read as virtue signaling, but the truth is: it’s bleak out there, and we‘re chasing the light as much as the next person. Nature can provide that. In the words of my friend Flora Caputo: “She’ll take care of you.”



The Peoples Bees

We’re on a mission to connect the people to the bees through apiculture, education, and advocacy from Denver, Colorado. Learn more at www.thepeoplesbees.com